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dc.contributor.authorCiencia, Alejandro, Jr. N.-
dc.identifier.citationPaper presented at the 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) in Leiden, The Netherlands, on 16-19 July 2019.en_US
dc.descriptionThe paper is part of the panel on (Re)Claiming Sites for Empowerment On the Ground in the Cordillera (Philippines) as proposed by the panel convenor, Professor Jennifer Josef of UP Baguio.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe paper considers the issues of Cordillera regional autonomy, democracy, and community participation in development planning.It builds on the findings and recommendations of previous studies on indigenous Cordillera political institutions and regional autonomy. As such, it highlights works published by UP Baguio’s Cordillera Studies Center (CSC). It pays special attention to two (2) publications, namely, June Prill-Brett’s Tradition and Transformation: Studies on Cordillera Indigenous Culture, and Athena Lydia Casambre’sDiscourses on Cordillera Autonomy, a collection of papers discussing the failed attempts in 1990 and 1998 to establish regional autonomy in the Cordillera. It problematizes Casambre’s argument for the rejection of previous regional autonomy proposals and draws out the conclusion that follows from her reasoning. The paper argues that Cordillera autonomy would be best expressed or achieved, not by establishing an autonomous regional governmental body, but by recognizing, upholding, or (re)strengthening the autonomy of the ili, that is, the Cordillera village or community.en_US
dc.subjectregional autonomyen_US
dc.subjectdevelopment planningen_US
dc.titleReclaiming the Community as the Site of Development Planningen_US
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