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Title: The concept of culture and its challenge to ethnomathematics
Authors: Alangui, Wilfredo Vidal
Keywords: Culture Concept
Culture Change
Issue Date: Jul-2018
Citation: Paper presented at the 6th International Congress on Ethnomathematics (ICEM-6) at the University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, on 8-13 July 2018.
Abstract: This paper reiterates the need for ethnomathematics scholars to problematize the use of culture as a critical construct in the field. This is in light of recent criticisms by Hottinger (2016) charging ethnomathematics scholars of not "engaging with the scathing critiques of anthropology." As a response to Hottinger, I reiterate a concept of culture that has been informed by, and evolved out of the challenges posed by an uncritical use of the concept. I consider Hottinger's recent critique as an opportunity for continuing dialogue and debate on how the use of the concept of culture is evolving within the field of ethnomathematics.
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